Installing and Configuring Next.js Boilerplate Templates
In this part of the documentation we will show you how to install and use Next.js Boilerplates.
Installing boilerplate templates are different than ordinary templates, you have to follow the steps strictly without skipping any of them.
Follow the steps below to complete the installation, if you get stuck feel free to open a support ticket, we will get back to you ASAP.
- Installation
- Databases Setup
- Authentication
- Sanity Integration
- Markdown Integration
- Stripe Integration
- Algolia Integration
- MailChimp Integration
- Resend Integration
Before moving to all the other integrations, make sure to install the dependencies.
npm install
If it fails run this:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Start the Developent Server
When all integrations are done, then you can start the project on the developement server
npm run dev
It’ll start the template on http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab)
Deploying on PaaS
If you are using a GitHub repo then you can go with free-of-cost and easy-to-use options like Vercel (opens in a new tab), or Netlify (opens in a new tab) they offer decent-free tiers for Next.js hosting.
Make sure to edit build command like this when deploying to Vercel.