Installing and Configuring Starter Templates

You must have to follow the documentation setp by step in this order to do a successful installation and configuration.

Video Tutorial

A Complete Step-by-Step Video Tutorial for Installing Template, Configuring Your Blog with Sanity and MDX for Docs, Setting up Auth with NextAuth, Managing Databases, Enabling Stripe Payments for Subscription, and More.


Installing starter templates steps are different than ordinary templates, you have to follow the steps strictly without skipping any of them.

  1. Installation
  2. Authentication and DB Setup
  3. Sanity Integration
  4. Markdown Integration
  5. Stripe Integration


Here are the steps you need to follow to install the dependencies.

1.Download and extract the template from Next.js Templates. into the template directory then run this command to install all the dependencies

npm install


yarn install

Follow Next Steps

You must add all integrations and update environment variables (.env) before starting server or running build command.

The Home page has a Blog section and a Pricing section. For these to work you have to integrate Strip and Sanity. Follow the documentation and steps to complete these integrations.

2. Authentication and DB Setup

4. Sanity Integration.

3. Markdown Integration

5. Stripe Integration

When all these are done, Then you can start the project on the local server

npm run dev

It’ll start the template on http://localhost:3000

The documentation includes all the guides you need for the integrations.

Deploying on PaaS

If you are using a GitHub repo then you can go with free-of-cost and easy-to-use options like Vercel, or Netlify they offer decent-free tiers for Next.js hosting.

If you are using Prisma ORM (Comes with All Starter Templates)

Make sure to edit build command like this while you use Prisma as ORM while deploying to Vercel.
